MY Dr.'s Yoga Day Contest
Follow our Page and Answer these Simple Questions below to stand a chance to win a Free 60 Minute Online Yoga Workshop with Shynee Narang.
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Learn to do Simple Asanas that Improve Your Health and Fitness with
Shynee Narang
Certified Yoga Instructor & Founder of Yooyogic
Event Details
27th June, Sunday
8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
Shynee Narang
Personalised Training
27th June, Sunday
8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
Shynee Narang
Personalised Training
About MY Dr.
The Idea of MY Dr. originated when we observed that a lot of people reported that any product they used for body pains only worked for a little while and that the pain was always back. This became our fixation and true desire to make a product so effective that it actually provided lasting relief. After years of research and gruelling execution, MY Dr. with it’s Natural Formula has come alive with products that not just provided instant but also a lasting Relief from all sorts of Pain.
Experience Absolute Pain Relief with MY Dr.