Our new #TipsSeries aims to cover different kinds of pains and all the effective ways in which you can deal with it. Each post talks about a different daily activity that leaves us in some form of discomfort. So let’s get into it. Follow us to continue on the journey to a #PainFree life.
Staring at the screen for a huge chunk of your day has long been demonized and for good reason. If you often find yourself ending your work day with a headache then this post is for you.
So swipe through to discover MY Dr’s 3 effective tips to deal with headaches after a hectic day at work.
And if you’re as excited as we are for the next posts don’t forget to Follow Our Page @mydrpainrelief to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! Feel free to head over to our website which extensively covers topics related to pain and effective ways of pain management with workouts, guides, home remedies, and more, all in one space. Check out the resources section for fun and FREE booklets.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner, be it for your workouts or daily needs. MY Dr. #DontLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our next post in the series covering tips to effectively prepare for your workouts

For our tenth and final post of the series we cover exercises to strengthen your Lower Body. Lower body strength training not only boosts stamina and increases bone strength but also decreases knee injuries and slows down physical weakness.
Our #StrengthTraining Series aims to best help you with the same, with specific workouts compiled focusing on one part at a time. These Include steps to guide you and benefits for each exercise.
As we know, targeting each part, more so than a full body workout better stimulates your muscle group, reduces pain and even increases overall functional strength.
Swipe through to discover these 4 workouts to Strengthen your Lower Body
1) Air Squats
2) Squat Jump
3) Single-Leg Squats
4) Dumbbell Thruster
If you enjoyed this series as much as we did make sure to Follow Our Page @mydrpainrelief to keep up with more such helpful content and let us know what you’d like to see from us next. Be sure to check out all 10 posts of the series live now on our page. As well as share it with your friends and family who might benefit from the same.
One last thing! We have all these workouts and more compiled in a FREE booklet available to download on our website www.mydrpainrelief.com, under resources. Head over there now for two volumes of step by step workout guides.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner for your workouts. MY Dr. #DontLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our next series with effective tips to guide you through these workouts and ways you can avoid pain while doing so. #MYDrTips Coming soon.

As we know, targeting each part, more so than a full body workout better stimulates your muscle group, reduces pain and even increases overall functional strength.
Our New #StrengthTraining Series aims to best help you with the same, with specific workouts compiled focusing on one part at a time. These Include steps to guide you and benefits for each exercise.
Our ninth post in the series covers exercises to strengthen your Upper Body. While there are countless benefits to strengthen your upper body one thing that sets it apart is its ability to burn more calories in a short period of time.
Swipe through to discover these 4 workouts to Strengthen your Upper Body
1) Push-Ups
2) Incline Mountain Climber
3) Dumbbell Bench Press
4) Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Press
So, if you’re as excited as we are to see the series in its entirety don’t forget to Follow Our Page @mydrpainrelief to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! We have all these workouts and more compiled in a FREE booklet available to download on our website www.mydrpainrelief.com, under resources. Head over there now for two volumes of step by step workout guides.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner for your workouts. MY Dr. #DontLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our post next week where we target the lower body, with 4 hand picked exercises for a strong and healthy lower body.

Our eighth post in the series covers exercises to strengthen your legs. Known for maintaining a strong lower body, strengthening your legs improves athletic performance and supports overall healthy movements in your life.
As we know, targeting each part, more so than a full body workout better stimulates your muscle group, reduces pain and even increases overall functional strength.
MY Dr.’s #StrengthTraining Series aims to best help you with the same, with specific workouts compiled focusing on one part at a time. These Include steps to guide you and benefits for each exercise.
Swipe through to discover these 4 workouts to Strengthen your Legs
1) Lunges
2) Bulgarian Split Squats
3) Single Leg Deadlift
So, if you’re as excited as we are to see the rest of the posts don’t forget to Follow Our Page @mydrpainrelief to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! We have all these workouts and more compiled in a FREE booklet available to download on our website www.mydrpainrelief.com, under resources. Head over there now for two volumes of step by step workout guides.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner for your workouts. MY Dr. #DontLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our next post where we target the Upper body with 4 hand picked exercises to strengthen the same.

Our seventh post in the series covers exercises to strengthen your hamstrings. Strong hamstrings improve your posture while also helping you run faster and making you less prone to injury and pain.
As we know, targeting each part, more so than a full body workout better stimulates your muscle group, reduces pain and even increases overall functional strength.
MY Dr.’s #StrengthTraining Series aims to best help you with the same, with specific workouts compiled focusing on one part at a time. These Include steps to guide you and benefits for each exercise.
Swipe through to discover these 3 workouts to Strengthen your Hamstrings
1) Bridges
2) Seated toe touch
3) Single leg hip raise
So, if you’re as excited as we are for the next few weeks don’t forget to Follow Our Page @mydrpainrelief to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! We have all these workouts and more compiled in a FREE booklet available to download on our website www.mydrpainrelief.com, under resources. Head over there now for two volumes of step by step workout guides.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner for your workouts. MY Dr. #DontLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our next post where we target the legs, with 3 hand picked exercises to strengthen your legs.

Our sixth post in the #StrengthTraining series covers exercises to strengthen your hips. Hips act as an incredible tool to generate power and force for the lower body to use as a fuel for other physical activities.
As we know, targeting each part, more so than a full body workout better stimulates your muscle group, reduces pain and even increases overall functional strength.
MY Dr.’s #StrengthTraining Series aims to best help you with the same, with specific workouts compiled focusing on one part at a time. These Include steps to guide you and benefits for each exercise.
Swipe through to discover these 4 workouts to Boost Hip Strength
1) Mountain Climber
2) Lunges
3) Dumbbell Swing
4) Bird dog exercise
So, if you’re as excited as we are for the next few weeks don’t forget to Follow Our Page @mydrpainrelief to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! We have all these workouts and more compiled in a FREE booklet available to download on our website www.mydrpainrelief.com, under resources. Head over there now for two volumes of step by step workout guides.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner for your workouts. MY Dr. #DontLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our next post where we target the hamstrings with 3 hand picked exercises to strengthen weak hamstrings.

Our fifth post in the #StrengthTraining series covers exercises to strengthen your glutes. Strong and lifted glutes help strengthen the muscles in the hips and the back leading to improved stability as well as preventing injury in the body.
As we know, targeting each part, more so than a full body workout better stimulates your muscle group, reduces pain and even increases overall functional strength.
Our New #StrengthTraining Series aims to best help you with the same, with specific workouts compiled focusing on one part at a time. These Include steps to guide you and benefits for each exercise.
Swipe through to discover these 4 workouts to Strengthen your Glutes
1) Mountain Climber
2) Dumbbell Swing
3) Elevated Hip Raises
4) Bridges
So, if you’re as excited as we are for the next few weeks don’t forget to Follow Our Page @mydrpainrelief to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! We have all these workouts and more compiled in a FREE booklet available to download on our website www.mydrpainrelief.com, under resources. Head over there now for two volumes of step-by-step workout guides.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner for your workouts. MY Dr. #DontLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our next post with 4 hand-picked exercises to strengthen the muscles in the hips.

Our fourth post in the #StrengthTraining series covers exercises to strengthen your lower back. Exercises targeting this region help in alleviating and preventing pain in the back as well as increasing blood flow which leads to reduced stiffness and an improvement in the overall healing process.
As we know, targeting each part, more so than a full-body workout better stimulates your muscle group, reduces pain, and even increases overall functional strength.
Our #StrengthTraining Series aims to best help you with the same, with specific workouts compiled focusing on one part at a time. These Include steps to guide you and benefits for each exercise.
Swipe through to discover these 4 workouts to Strengthen your Lower Back
1) Back extension
2) Seated toe touch
3) Reverse Plank
4) Deadlift Back Row
So, if you’re as excited as we are for the next few weeks don’t forget to Follow Our Page @mydrpainrelief to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! We have all these workouts and more compiled in a FREE booklet available to download on our website www.mydrpainrelief.com, under resources. Head over there now for two volumes of step-by-step workout guides.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner for your workouts. MY Dr. #DontLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our post next week where we target the glutes, with 4 hand-picked* exercises for stronger glutes.

As we know, targeting each part, more so than a full body workout better stimulates your muscle group, reduces pain and even increases overall functional strength.
Our New #StrengthTraining Series aims to best help you with the same, with specific workouts compiled focusing on one part at a time. These Include steps to guide you and benefits for each exercise.
Our third post in the series covers exercises to strengthen your back. Known as the armour of the spinal cord, strong back muscles protect the spinal cord and brain while improving posture and overall performance in any physical activity.
Swipe through to discover these 3 workouts to Boost Back Strength
1) Cross body toe touches
2) Bird dog exercise
3) Single leg deadlift
So, if you’re as excited as we are for the next few weeks don’t forget to Follow Our Page @mydrpainrelief to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! We have all these workouts and more compiled in a FREE booklet available to download on our website www.mydrpainrelief.com, under resources. Head over there now for two volumes of step-by-step workout guides.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner for your workouts. MY Dr.#DontLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our post next week where we target the lower back, with 4 hand-picked exercises for a strong and healthy lower back.

As we know, targeting each part, more so than a full-body workout better stimulates your muscle group, reduces pain, and even increases overall functional strength.
Our New #StrengthTraining Series aims to best help you with the same, with specific workouts compiled focusing on one part at a time. These Include steps to guide you and benefits for each exercise.
Our second post in the series covers exercises to strengthen your triceps. While there are countless benefits to having strong triceps the most notable achievement is its ability to improve overall arm strength, power and endurance.
Swipe through to discover these 4 workouts to Strengthen your Triceps
1) Tricep Dips
2) Chair Push-Ups
3) Bench dips
4) Dumbbell kickback
So, if you’re as excited as we are for the next few weeks don’t forget to Follow Our Page @mydrpainrelief to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! We have all these workouts and more compiled in a FREE booklet available to download on our website www.mydrpainrelief.com, under resources. Head over there now for two volumes of step-by-step workout guides.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner for your workouts. MY Dr. #DontLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our post next week where we target back muscles, with 4 hand-picked exercises for a strong and healthy back.

As we know, targeting each part, more so than a full-body workout better stimulates your muscle group, reduces pain, and even increases overall functional strength.
Our New Series aims to best help you with the same, with specific workouts compiled focusing on one part at a time. These Include steps to guide you and benefits for each exercise.
Swipe through to discover these 4 workouts to strengthen your core
1) Russian Twist
2) Abdominal Crunches
3) Plank Knee to Elbow
4) Bicycle Crunches
So, if you’re as excited as we are for the next few weeks don’t forget to Follow Our Page @mydrpainrelief to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! We have all these workouts and more compiled in a FREE booklet available to download on our website www.mydrpainrelief.com, under resources. Head over there now for two volumes of step-by-step workout guides.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner for your workouts. MY Dr.

This Booklet is Part 2 of a Two-Part Series. Click on ‘Learn More’ to download your free copy of MY Dr. Home Workouts part-2, and along with 25 powerful workouts, this booklet also contains a small gift from our team to help your fitness routine! Start your Fitness Journey this Year!
To Download the Home Workouts Part-1 Booklet, check out the link in our bio.

We have compiled a list of 25 simple and effective workouts with Steps and Benefits for each, for you to practice at home and stay fit. This booklet also contains a small gift from our team to help your fitness routine! Click on ‘Learn More’ or Use the link in our bio to Download it Now for Free!

Our 7th and last post in #TipsSeries covers Tips to Help You Avoid An Injury While Working Out. Any physical activity can cause an injury, and while everyone naturally fears getting injured it shouldn’t stop you from continuing to work out. However, there are always measures you can take to significantly lower your risk of getting an injury.
So swipe through to discover MY Dr’s 3 effective tips to avoid an injury while working out.
This post is part of our #TipsSeries which aims to cover different kinds of pains and all the effective ways in which you can deal with it. Each post talks about a different daily activity that leaves us in some form of discomfort.
If you’re as excited as we are for the next posts don’t forget to Follow Our Page to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! Feel free to head over to our website which extensively covers topics related to pain and effective ways of pain management with workouts, guides, home remedies, and more, all in one space. Check out the resources section for fun and FREE booklets.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner, be it for your workouts or daily needs. MY Dr. #DontLetPainLimitYou

Our 6th post in #TipsSeries covers Tips to Help You Increase Your Stamina. Increasing your stamina helps your body endure and eventually adapt to higher levels of physically demanding activities, leading to reduced exhaustion and fatigue.
So swipe through to discover MY Dr’s 3 tips to effectively increase your stamina.
This post is part of our #TipsSeries which aims to cover different kinds of pains and all the effective ways in which you can deal with it. Each post talks about a different daily activity that leaves us in some form of discomfort.
If you’re as excited as we are for the next posts don’t forget to Follow Our Page to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! Feel free to head over to our website which extensively covers topics related to pain and effective ways of pain management with workouts, guides, home remedies, and more, all in one space. Check out the resources section for fun and FREE booklets.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner, be it for your workouts or daily needs. MY Dr. #DontLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our next and last post in the series covering tips to avoid injuries while working out.

Our 4th post in #TipsSeries covers Tips to Help You Best Prepare for a Workout. Exercising takes a lot out of you physically and mentally, which makes it even more essential to get the most out of it. Even if you want to steer clear of supplements there are small things you can do to maximize your exercise routine.
So swipe through to discover MY Dr’s 3 tips to effectively prepare for a workout.
This post is part of our #TipsSeries which aims to cover different kinds of pains and all the effective ways in which you can deal with it. Each post talks about a different daily activity that leaves us in some form of discomfort.
If you’re as excited as we are for the next posts don’t forget to Follow Our Page to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! Feel free to head over to our website which extensively covers topics related to pain and effective ways of pain management with workouts, guides, home remedies, and more, all in one space. Check out the resources section for fun and FREE booklets.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner, be it for your workouts or daily needs. MY Dr. #Don’tLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our next post in the series covering tips to avoid burnout while working from home.

Our new #TipsSeries aims to cover different kinds of pains and all the effective ways in which you can deal with it. Each post talks about a different daily activity that leaves us in some form of discomfort. While soreness is a common outcome of physically exerting activities, it doesn’t have to be a painful experience. So let’s get into it. Follow us to continue on the journey to a #PainFree life.
While many dread the inevitable leg day at the gym, the powerhouse exercise has many countless benefits that build a body that’s fit to excel in and out of the gym. But what’s most important to know though is that working on your legs doesn’t have to be a painful experience.
So swipe through to discover MY Dr’s 3 effective tips to deal with Leg Pain the right way.
And if you’re as excited as we are for the next posts don’t forget to Follow Our Page to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! Feel free to head over to our website which extensively covers topics related to pain and effective ways of pain management with workouts, guides, home remedies, and more, all in one space. Check out the resources section for fun and FREE booklets.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner, be it for your workouts or daily needs. MY Dr. #Don’tLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our next post in the series covering effective tips to deal with headaches after a hectic day at work.

Our 5th post in #TipsSeries covers Tips to Help You Avoid Work From Home Burnout. As we adapt to the new norm of working from home we see a rise in the level of stress and anxiety and this can be largely attributed to the fact that the lines have blurred between work and home. While burnout is a possible outcome of this there are steps you can take to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
So swipe through to discover MY Dr’s 3 tips to effectively avoid Work from Home burnout.
This post is part of our #TipsSeries which aims to cover different kinds of pains and all the effective ways in which you can deal with them. Each post talks about a different daily activity that leaves us in some form of discomfort.
If you’re as excited as we are for the next posts don’t forget to Follow Our Page to keep up with the series and other similar helpful content. Do share it with friends and family who might benefit from the same!
One last thing! Feel free to head over to our website which extensively covers topics related to pain and effective ways of pain management with workouts, guides, home remedies, and more, all in one space. Check out the resources section for fun and FREE booklets.
Feel free to check out our Natural Pain Relief Products on the same link if you’re browsing around for a Pain Relief partner, be it for your workouts or daily needs. MY Dr. #DontLetPainLimitYou
Stay tuned for our next post in the series covering tips to increase your stamina and endurance.

Hard work isn’t all glamorous. Working in today’s day comes with its own set of challenges. There’s something new every second that requires your attention and every piece of work demands your full mental capacity. So for your mind that goes above and beyond there’s lots to be said for the body that upholds it.
Pain may seem like an inevitable outcome but that doesn’t mean it should be. And for a generation that’s only known this form of working it can be quite daunting to figure out how to take care of your body.
MY Dr. may be the best companion for your work day. With the power of ayurvedic goodness, MY Dr. goes deep within your skin to soothe your aches and pains, leaving you with a fresh body and mind.
MY Dr. your partner for a long lasting pain solution. Click the link in our bio to know how you can get your hands on our ayurvedic pain relief products.

Whether you work in a cushy office or have a job that puts regular demand on your muscles and joints, there’s no doubt that you, like many others, have experienced some sort of body pains before. And with boundaries between work life and personal life getting thinner day by day due to the pandemic and widespread adoption of working from home – it is bound to get harder on our mind and body.
While long days at work are expected, don’t let them end in Pain. MY Dr. is your perfect pain relief partner in those exhausting days of work. Its all-natural formula goes deep into your skin to soothe your aches from within.
MY Dr. – Your partner for a long-lasting pain solution. Click the link in our bio to know how you can get your hands on our ayurvedic pain relief products.

Exhaustion, hunger, and a sore neck. If this describes what you feel like at the end of a long workday then you’re probably doing it wrong. While there are a few things we can anticipate after working for an extensive stretch of time, pain isn’t one of them.
A stiff neck is the most common and the most untreated form of pain because of the same notion that forces us to think of it as a ‘normal’ outcome of working.
Get your #AllNatural Pain Relief fix by MY Dr. With the power of ayurvedic goodness, MY Dr. goes deep within your skin to soothe your aches and pains, leaving you equipped and ready for a long day of work.
MY Dr. – Your partner for a long-lasting pain solution. Click the link in our bio to know how you can get your hands on our ayurvedic pain relief products.

MyDr pain relief oil is made of age-old ayurvedic ingredients, which gives instantaneous and long-lasting pain relief.

I don’t trust regular pain relief products in the market. But luckily, I came across MY Dr. Pain Relief products a few months ago, and it has been a great help for me to deal with my pain since then.
🌿MY Dr. Spray helps Provides instant and long-lasting relief and also Soothes muscle spasms, cramps and sprains plus and it is 100% natural, skin-friendly, and Rashes free.🤟
✔️The unique thing about the Spray is it has 150 sprays in one bottle and also doesn’t leave any stain. Thanks to @mydrpainreleif now I no longer have to worry about any pains during my workouts. They also have oil and Cream, which too, are very much effective and 100% ayurvedic.
I highly recommend you to try MY Dr. Pain relief Products. Do check out their products link for the products is in my bio. 😃
Also, use the coupon code “MYDR15” to get an extra 15% discount on all the My Dr. Products.

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is one of the biggest obstacles for people who start a new workout regime, and we at MY Dr understand that.
Say Goodbye to DOMS with MY Dr. Pain Relief Spray. With the power of an #AllNatural formula, MY Dr. soothes your aches and pains from deep within.

Beat the Post Workout Pain with MY Dr. Pain Relief Spray. Made with enriching Natural Ingredients to help relieve all your body pains.
It combines the benefits of ‘Winter Green Oil’, ‘Pudina Ka Phool’, ‘Turpentine Oil’, ‘Nilgiri Oil’ & ‘Cinnamon Oil’ to provide you relief.
Why use a Pain Reliever after your Workout?⠀
– Muscle Soreness is not Easy to Overcome⠀
– It Might Even Lead to Dire Problems like fluid leakages & bone fractures.

Keep Your Body Fit and Healthy in this Quarantine.

Let’s not get our body’s rusty in this quarantine. Do yoga regularly to keep your body fit and be free from many health problems.

Keep your body fit by doing yoga regularly. In case of any joint or muscle pains, use My Dr pain relief spray.

Keep Your Body Fit and Healthy in this Quarantine.

Keep your body fit by doing yoga regularly. In case of any joint or muscle pains, use My Dr pain relief spray.

Keep Your Body Fit and Healthy in this Quarantine.

Let’s not get our body’s rusty in this quarantine. Do yoga regularly to keep your body fit and be free from many health problems.

Keep your body fit by doing yoga regularly. In case of any joint or muscle pains, use My Dr pain relief spray.

Keep Your Body Fit and Healthy in this Quarantine.

Keep your body fit by doing yoga regularly. In case of any joint or muscle pains, use My Dr pain relief spray.

Keep Your Body Fit and Healthy in this Quarantine. For best results, Hold onto the pose for 3 minutes and Do it thrice a day.

Follow @mydrpainrelief for regular updates on simple and effective workouts you can do from the comfort of your home.
Here’s an exercise that requires just a chair and minutes of your time. Tag that friend of yours who always skips Gym because they’re too “busy” or doesn’t have the “right equipment”.

Triceps Dips is an extremely effective exercise that can help activate and strengthen the triceps muscles in your arms.

We all know someone struggling with body pains, it could be a family member, a friend or sometimes we ourselves. While knowing the cause for your pain is the first step towards pain relief, choosing the right pain relief product to relieve your pain is always crucial. Because you deserve more than a relief- An instant relief with no side effects.
Check out MY Dr.’s range of natural pain relief products, which are absolutely safe and convenient to use by all ages! Experience instant relief from all body pains now! Link in Bio.

It is important to know the causes of your body pains to help relieve your pain better. Check out the leading causes for body pains at: https://www.mydrpainrelief.com/blog/body-pains-the-whys-and-the-hows/⠀ Use MY Dr Pain relief oil for your back pain, neck pain, knee pain and shoulder pain.

MyDr brings you a single solution for all 5 kinds of pain. Use MyDr pain relief products for instantaneous and long-lasting relief from all the 5 pains.

Practice Yoga every day to stay healthy and keep your body fit. Use My Dr pain relief oil to relieve your joint pains.

Foods high in antioxidants, like Fish oil, reduce pain due to its incredible anti-inflammatory effects. The omega-3 fatty acids present in Fish Oil can also increase blood flow throughout the body during exercise, which can help reduce joint pain and swelling.
MY Dr.’s Tip: Include more antioxidants in your diet to speed up your recovery after exercising:
✓ Fish Oil
✓ Turmeric
✓ Dark Chocolate
✓ Blueberries
MY Dr. Pain Relief Products – For the bustle that never stops & for the pain that does. Click the link in our bio to find out how you can get your 100% Natural pain solution today.

Share this helpful tip with someone at home who’s suffering from Muscle spasms. For more such health tips check out our page @mydrpainrelief and follow us for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Share this helpful tip with someone at home who’s suffering from muscle pains. For more such health tips check out our page @mydrpainrelief and follow us for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.

MyDr pain relief oil is made of age-old ayurvedic ingredients, which gives instantaneous and long-lasting pain relief.

Share this helpful tip with someone at home who’s suffering from Knee pain. For more such health tips check out our page @mydrpainrelief and follow us for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Share this helpful tip with someone at home who’s suffering from knee joint pains. For more such health tips check out our page @mydrpainrelief and follow us for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Yoga is considered as the best practice to keep your body fit and healthy. Do these 2 asanas to help your knee pains effectively. Also, you can use MY Dr pain relief oil to have an instant and long-lasting pain relief.⠀

Let’s not get our body’s rusty in this quarantine. Do yoga regularly to keep your body fit and also be free from many health problems.

Doing Yoga regularly is the best way to stay fit. If you’re struggling with knee pain, do this asana regularly to get relief from the pain.

Doing Yoga regularly is the best way to stay fit. If you’re struggling with knee pain, do these asanas regularly to get relief from the pain.

Boil two cups of water, and add chopped turmeric and ginger into it. Heat for a few minutes and then add a teaspoon or two of honey.

MyDr pain relief oil is made of purest novel herbs, which works effectively on knee joint pains and provides instantaneous and long-lasting pain relief.

Knee pain can be relieved with Yoga. Do these yoga asanas regularly to stay fit, and be free from knee problems.

We know how annoying it gets when that nagging little pain in the knee doesn’t go away no matter what you do. Try out these simple exercises to get effective relief from knee pain.

The Presence of Magnesium sulfate in Epsom Salt Aids helps In Improving The Blood Circulation Of The Body & Relieving Pain In The Shoulder Muscle.
Make yourself pain relief by using homemade remedies. For instant & long-lasting results use ⠀
MY Dr. Pain Relief Oil.

Share this helpful tip with someone at home who’s suffering from shoulder pain. For more such health tips check out our page @mydrpainrelief and follow us for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Doing Yoga regularly is the best way to stay fit. If you’re struggling with Shoulder pain, do this asana regularly to get relief from the pain.

Keep Your Body Fit and Healthy in this Quarantine.

Yoga is the best therapy to relieve your joint pains and body pains. Do these asanas every day to have a relief from your shoulder pain.

The Presence of Magnesium sulfate in Epsom Salt Aids helps In Improving The Blood Circulation Of The Body & Relieving Pain In The Shoulder Muscle.
Make yourself pain relief by using homemade remedies. For instant & long-lasting results use MY Dr. Pain Relief Oil.

Follow @mydrpainrelief for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Let’s not get our body’s rusty in this quarantine. Do yoga regularly to keep your body fit and also be free from many health problems.

After years of grueling research, MY Dr. has combined some of the most effective natural ingredients to help combat joint pains that we could never get relief from.

After years of research, MY Dr has realized that our surrounding nature has all the elements necessary for pain relief, and has used these ingredients to prepare our pain relief products to provide effective pain relief from all joint pains.

Follow @mydrpainrelief for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Get Instant and Long-Lasting Relief from All Body Pains and Joint Pains. MY Dr. Pain Relief products come in 3 forms – Oil, Spray, and Capsules, and are available on Amazon, Flipkart, and our website – www.mydrpainrelief.com Place Your Order Today!

Share this helpful tip with someone at home who’s suffering from Back pain. For more such health tips check out our page @mydrpainrelief and follow us for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Share this helpful tip with someone at home who’s suffering from back pain. For more such health tips check out our page @mydrpainrelief and follow us for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Yoga is considered as the best practice to keep your body fit and healthy. Do these 2 asanas to relieve lower back pain. Also, you can use MY Dr pain relief oil to have an instant and long-lasting pain relief.

Doing Yoga regularly is the best way to stay fit. If you’re struggling with back pain, do these asanas regularly to get relief from the back pain.

Keep Your Body Fit and Healthy in this Quarantine.

Let’s not get our body’s rusty in this quarantine. Do yoga regularly to keep your body fit and be free from many health problems.

Practice Yoga every day to stay healthy and keep your body fit. Use My Dr pain relief oil to relieve your joint pains.

Let’s not get our body’s rusty in this quarantine. Do yoga regularly to keep your body fit and also be free from many health problems.

Doing Yoga regularly is the best way to stay fit. If you’re struggling with lower back pain, do these asanas regularly to get relief from the pain.

Life isn’t easy with pain in the lower back. Do these exercises regularly to strengthen your lower back and have a relief from the pain.

Life gets hard when we suffer from lower back pain. Even our daily chores become difficult to perform. To help you relieve from this never-resting lower back pain, Mydr has come up with the best ayurvedic pain relief products.

Doing Exercises, Stretches or Yoga regularly can relieve Upper Back Pain. You can also apply ice pack, followed by the heating pad to get a relief from the pain.

Doing Yoga regularly keeps us fit and free from body pains. Do these 2 asanas regularly to have a relief from upper back pain.

Lower Back Pain? Try these Yoga Poses to get Long-Term Relief from Pain.

Lower Back Pain is always a buzz killer. Getting enough sleep, stretchings and watching your postures will help relieve the pain. MyDr Pain Relief has specialized products which will give an instantaneous and long-lasting relief from Lower Back Pain.

Follow @mydrpainrelief for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Pain is a subject so common, yet so misunderstood. While we know our condition the best, the accuracy of some facts that are regularly spoken about by people around us, still remain blurry.

The fact that we have to bear through our pain is so deeply engraved in our mind that we do it regularly without even realising. Pain is not something to push through and actually makes our tolerance to it lesser the more we experience it.
Follow our page @mydrpainrelief for your daily dose of health and pain management tips.
Our All Natural Pain Relief Products have been helping people all over the country with their pains. Check them out at www.mydrpainrelief.com to know more.

While pills do a great job at temporarily relieving the pain, they aren’t a magic cure all. Exercises, patches, tapes, meditation, etc are all part of the toolbox and help in reducing stress and managing pain in the long-term.
Follow our page @mydrpainrelief as we debunk more such myths around pain over this week.
Our All Natural Pain Relief Products have been helping people all over the country with their pains. Check them out at www.mydrpainrelief.com to know more

One of the more lesser known facts about pain is that you can experience it even after an injury heals. When it comes to an injury every person’s body reacts differently, therefore there is no one ‘normal’ response.
Follow our page @mydrpainrelief as we debunk more such myths around pain over the next week.
Our All Natural Pain Relief Products have been helping people all over the country with their pains. Check them out at www.mydrpainrelief.com to know more.

Telling someone with chronic pain that suffering is a choice further debilitates their pain, in ways much worse than physical. It is important to educate ourselves when talking to someone who suffers from chronic pain and even more important if we ourselves are living with it.
Follow our page @mydrpainrelief as we debunk more such myths around pain over the next week.
Our All Natural Pain Relief Products have been helping people all over the country with their pains. Check them out at www.mydrpainrelief.com to know more.

Is pushing through pain the best solution? If not, why do we keep hearing that? Contrary to popular belief, pain isn’t something you should bear through. If you’re exercising and it hurts, stop. If you’re in pain for more than a week get it checked by a professional. This misinformation causes more harm than good.
Follow our page @mydrpainrelief as we debunk more such myths around pain over the next week.
Our All Natural Pain Relief Products have been helping people all over the country with their pains. Check them out at www.mydrpainrelief.com to know more.

How many times have we been told to just rest when we’re in pain? While it may help calm us down, bed rest simply isn’t practical for people who experience chronic pain on a daily basis. It is important to move your body and stay active.
Read on to see Pain Myth #2 of our series on 7 commonly told myths, and facts to debunk them. Follow our page @mydrpainrelief as we debunk more such myths around pain over the next week.
Our All Natural Pain Relief Products have been helping people all over the country with their pains. Check them out at www.mydrpainrelief.com to know more.

Pain is a subject so common, yet so misunderstood. While we know our condition the best, the accuracy of some facts that are regularly spoken about by people around us, still remain blurry.
Read on to see Pain Myth #1 of our series on 7 commonly told myths, and facts to debunk them. Follow our page @mydrpainrelief as we debunk more such myths around pain over the next week.
Our All Natural Pain Relief Products have been helping people all over the country with their pains. Check them out at www.mydrpainrelief.com to know more.

Exhaustion, hunger, and a sore neck. If this describes what you feel like at the end of a long work day then you’re probably doing it wrong. While there are a few things we can anticipate after working for an extensive stretch of time, pain isn’t one of them. A stiff neck is the most common and the most untreated form of pain because of the same notion that forces us to think of it as a ‘normal’ outcome of working. Get your #AllNatural Pain Relief fix by MY Dr. With the power of ayurvedic goodness, MY Dr. goes deep within your skin to soothe your aches and pains, leaving you equipped and ready for a long day of work. MY Dr. – Your partner for a long lasting pain solution. Click the link in our bio to know how you can get your hands on our ayurvedic pain relief products.

Share this helpful tip with someone at home who’s suffering from neck pain. For more such health tips check out our page @mydrpainrelief and follow us for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Share this helpful tip with someone at home who’s suffering from neck pain. For more such health tips check out our page @mydrpainrelief and follow us for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Doing Yoga regularly keeps you fit and healthy. If you’re suffering from neck pain, do these asanas to help ease your pain.

One of the more lesser known facts about pain is that you can experience it even after an injury heals. When it comes to an injury every person’s body reacts differently, therefore there is no one ‘normal’ response.

Yoga is the best therapy to relieve your neck pain and body pains. Do these asanas every day to have relief from your neck pain.

Neck pain is never fun. You can relieve your neck pain by doing neck stretches, and also, you can apply an ice pack, and heat pads, to relieve pain.

Follow @mydrpainrelief for regular updates on Health Tips, Pain Management tips and simple & effective workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home.